Welcome to the first post of The Makeup Theory. The hardest in making this blog so far is: CHOOSING A DOMAIN NAME!! Garr, I couldn't think of anything.
What will this blog be about?
Well, I love making blogs and one thing that's been on my mind a lot lately is MAKEUP! So I just wanted to make a blog dedicated to just that.
Why the name, Makeup Theory?
Okay, so I'm a dork and I'm a science major in college so I have to deal with a lot of theories and such. So Makeup Theory just fits naturally with me!
They'll be much more dorkiness on the way!
Little info about me:
I'm 19 soon to be 20.
I'm in school in a science filled major w00t! I won't get an actualy degree until I graduate in 5 more years.
What else to say... I am also short... and I'm also at work right now.
What got me interested in makeup?
I didn't find makeup that important until a year ago when I randomly found some makeup gurus on youtube. I saw what they can do and how pretty they make things work and I was like: THAT IS SO COOL!
So yes, I'm pretty new to make up and have a small but growing makeup collection right now.
Oh, I give credit to Xteeener from youtube. My first youtube makeup video was hers.
I want to incorporate everyone in this blog but I feel like it will cater to mostly beginners of makeup. I mostly shop at drugstores b/c - I don't have a Sephora in my town (!!) and I also don't make enough money to spend it on the more expensive stuff.
SO - if you are also a budget freak like me, you'll find more use with this blog. Besides that, I'll try to make it as entertaining as possible for those who knows more than me!
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! I want to welcome you to the blogging world of beauty. I think you will enjoy yourself... hehe~ :)