Saturday, May 23, 2009

NYX Jumbo Pencils

As you guys know, I am pretty new to make up. I've only started experimenting w/ stuff a year ago and I still don't know a lot. One thing I've picked up is how important bases are for eye shadows! Bases are wet so they have a sticky surface to powder to stick to, which makes it more vibrant in color, less fall out, and much less creasing and fading. For example:

As you can see, the eye shadow is so much lighter and less pigmented than when it is on the bases. Also, the color of the bases plays a bit of a role when it comes to color.
When playing w/ colors, I find that darker colors (like Root Beer) doesn't get affected as easily by the color of the base as a lighter color would. Rust is a deep maroon shade but it still turns out pretty dark brown when Root Beer goes on. As you can see though, Yogurt is a lighter shade which makes Root Beer a lot lighter than the other bases.

Pretty much - just experiment and see which color selections you like the most.

Because eye shadow bases are so important, I took advantage of the NYX sales and got 4!

With bases though - little goes a long way! Expect creasing w/ these if you use them alone.


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